AutoMon has updated the AutoMon Software Maintenance Handbook (v6.2, effective May 29, 2019).

As our product offerings have significantly expanded in the past few years, we wanted to clarify how our support and maintenance responsibilities differ based on which party is hosting the application (on premise at a customer location or Hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud by AutoMon).  Additionally, the new version of the Software Maintenance Handbook emphasizes the customers’ obligation to provide Front Line Support to their users. 

The new version of the Handbook makes a recommendation (a strong one) that all customers hosting our Software on their own servers update system software, security, anti-virus and fraud detection software no later than the end of Mainstream Support from your licensor (e.g., Microsoft, Norton, McAfee). There is also a recommendation to encrypt all data stored locally, as is required in most instances by federal and state privacy laws and regulations (e.g., HIPAA and CJIS).

This increased emphasis on encryption and updating system software are in line with best practices for both public and private sector firms.

The remaining changes, while not representing any substantive differences from the previous version, correct some language that proved confusing to customers in the past.  

There are no changes to the SLAs and related definitions.

The document can be accessed here.

Should you have any questions, please contact AutoMon Support.

AutoMon will be releasing new versions for all Ce Connect Products on July 23, 2019. There is no anticipated downtime with this release.

This release is specific to the infrastructure changes detailed below, impacting all Ce Connect products, including:

  • Ce Assessment
  • Ce Check-in (Web)
  • Ce Drug Testing
  • Ce Field
  • Ce Pretrial
  • Ce Planning
  • Ce Programs

Ce Check-in Kiosk customers have received a separate communication re: changes specific to Check-in Kiosk.

Security Related Fixes (HTTPS Only & TLS 1.2)

AutoMon will be releasing new versions of Ce Connect Products to make required infrastructure changes to support TLS 1.2. 

For Ce Connect Customers that have integrations with third party systems/vendors, please contact AutoMon Support to address potential issues prior to this release. 

Ce Connect Identity Server Change & System Administration UI Changes

Released: March 7, 2019, after 5:00 PM (PST)


AutoMon has made significant improvements to Ce Connect, including moving to a new Identity Server and a UI re-design of the Ce Connect System Administration page.

This change will be implemented THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019, after 5:00 PM (PST). During the time of the migration, there is anticipated downtime of up to two (2) hours where the applications may show an “offline” status. Caseload Explorer access will not be impacted.

It is important that this information be shared with all users who access Ce Connect as it will impact how they access all Ce Connect products (Assessments, Caseload Explorer, Pretrial, Planning, Drug Testing, Check-in, Programs, SRF and Field).

Double Sign-in

Users for all Ce Connect products EXCEPT Ce Programs and Ce Pretrial will be required to “double sign-in” when accessing Connect products, meaning first they would log into Ce Connect, then also log in to the Connect product they are accessing.

This repetitive process is temporary – a near-term follow-up release will remove the double login procedure – you will be notified in advance of the release.

Ce Connect Identity Server Change

With the change to a new Identity Server, Ce Connect users will be presented with a new login experience. As in the past, Users will enter their email and password:

Customers who utilize an external provider would select the appropriate box to the right (“ADFS”). If a customer is not utilizing an external provider, they will  only see the Enter Password screen – the Sign In With External Provider screen will not appear.

Once logged in, users will be presented with the new Ce Connect main screen, showing icons for all products their agency is subscribed to – clicking on the icons will navigate users to that product’s main page.

Clicking the icon on the top left of the page will display the AppSwitcher, providing easy access to any subscribed product.

In the top right, users can access AutoMon Support by clicking on the Helpicon (?) – this will navigate the user to TeamSupport.

Users can also access their profile from the Profile icon,  allowing them to sign out or edit their profile.

To edit a profile, click on the Edit icon (pencil); users can edit their first name, last name and time zone.

From the Profile icon, users can also change their password by clicking on the Change Password link.

System Administration Functionality – New UI

The System Administration functionality within Ce Connect has been re-designed with a new user interface, providing System Administrators a better user experience. Note that this is a User Interface re-design only and the general functionality of System Administration is unchanged.

After logging in, System Administrators can select the icon in the top left to access the AppSwitcher,  showing Ce Connect products their agency is subscribed to, as well the System Administration functionality.

Upon accessing System Administration, System Admins are presented with a re-designed screen, Products, displaying the Ce Connect products the agency has subscribed to, as well as other available AutoMon products. Clicking on any of the product icons will navigate the user to that product’s home page; clicking on icons under Other Available Products will navigate users to the product page at

The Locations tab – used for Assessments and Drug Testing customers to manage sites/locations, allowing System Administrators to add/delete/move sites.

The Users tab allows System Administrators to manage users and roles for all Ce Connect products. To manage a user’s access to Ce Connect products and their roles within those products, first select the user (click on the row) – the roles assigned for each Ce Connect product will be displayed; Assigned Locations (if applicable) are shown to the right of Assigned Roles. Note: Caseload Explorer roles are still managed by System Administrators directly in Caseload Explorer.

Clicking Assign Role will open a dialog box where System Administrators will select the Ce Connect product and the appropriate role for the user.

Adding a New User – Verification Process Change

When adding a new user (by clicking theADD USER link), note that the user verification process has changed. New users will not receive an email immediately upon configuration of their account set up, as in the past, but rather when they first attempt to login.When logging in for the first time,  they will be notified that an email has been sent to complete their account set up.