Released: 11/25/2019

v1.74 includes the following enhancements and new functionality:

Arresting Agency Auto-Complete

Ce Pretrial now allows users to select from an auto-complete drop down list of Arresting Agencies. When editing or creating a case, users will have the ability to select an Arresting Agency by typing the first few letters of the agency then selecting the desired Agency from the drop down list. 

Ce Pretrial System Administrators can easily add options to the lists of Arresting Agencies through the lookup section in Ce Pretrial Admin.

Note: any existing arresting agency free text entries have been added to the lookup list and administrators may want to review the list for accuracy and completeness.

Pretrial Email Reminders

Ce Pretrial now allows users to select email addresses as a delivery method for Hearings, Contacts and Drug Testing reminders. 

Court Appearance Email Reminder Example:

Ce Pretrial system administrators also have the ability to customize email reminder messages using the following parameters:

  • Email Message for Contact Reminders:(Reminders.Contact.EmailMessage)
  • Email Message for Court Appearance Reminders: (Reminders.CourtAppearance.EmailMessage)
  • Email Message for Drug Test Reminders: (Reminders.DrugTest.EmailMessage)
  • Email Message for FTAs: (Reminders.FailureToAppear.EmailMessage)
  • Email Message for FTRs: (Reminders.FailureToReport.EmailMessage)